While acute inflammation helps protect the body from harm, chronic inflammation is the cause of numerous health issues. It can result in anything from intestinal issues and acne to heart disease and joint pain.

The MELT method can help reduce joint pain and other effects of chronic inflammation, but your best weapon against inflammation is the food you take in.

Foods to avoid include sugar, (soda, candy, sweets), refined flour (pizza, crackers, pasta), and fried foods (french fries, chicken tenders, onion rings).

In contrast, there are plenty of foods that reduce inflammation. Follow these nutrition tips to keep inflammation from affecting your daily life.

Spice it Up
Many herbs and spices are rich in antioxidants. Some, like basil, cumin, and chili pepper have been shown to reduce pain caused by inflammation.

Good Oil
Replace that vegetable oil with avocado, grapeseed, or extra virgin olive oil. Not only does the oleic acid help minimize inflammation, these oils are also good for your brain and heart.

Ginger, Turmeric, and Devils Claw
Researchers aren’t quite sure what it is about ginger that makes this root a good weapon against inflammation, but Ginger, Turmeric, and Devils Claw are all able to fight post-exercise inflammation as well as joint pain.

Salmon, tuna, snapper, cod, all of these are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps fight inflammation.

Dietary Supplements
If adding things like ginger and fish oils to your diet just isn’t realistic, you can take dietary supplements instead. Contact Ruth for more information on how to order supplements that include Ginger, Turmeric, Devils Claw, Green Tea, and Omega-3, all which help to reduce inflammation, without having to make the extra effort to include them in your diet.

Snacking on these guys will add those valuable omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Walnuts are particularly persistent in fighting inflammation.

Drink Green Tea
Is there anything green tea can’t do? Not only is it anti-inflammatory, it also helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Eat Orange
Foods like sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantalope, and carrots are all good sources of carotenoids and vitamins, which mean they are anti-inflammatory.

And you thought you were done hearing about this super food. Kale is rich in sulfur, meaning it forces your body to go through two detox cycles instead of one, reducing toxic load. Vegetables like arugula, bok choy, and broccoli are also high in sulfur.

Treat yourself with Chocolate
Any diet that doesn’t let you eat chocolate is a bad one! Chocolate containing up to 70 percent cocoa will help reduce inflammation.


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