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"Your strength and power starts from your center, essentially your CORE."
- Ruth Gordon, Owner, CORE Personal Training & Pilates

Address All Aspects of Wellness

C.O.R.E. Personal Training & Pilates Studio offers an integrated training approach that encourages clients to explore all avenues of lifetime fitness — blending traditional weight lifting, functional training, cardiovascular training, Pilates, and yoga. Our goal is to address all aspects of wellness including fitness, nutrition, and stress reduction.








Pilates is a mind-body exercise system that can dramatically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. Through fewer, more precise movements, Joseph Pilates believed in the mind-body connection essential to total body conditioning. Pilates uses the core principles of correct alignment, centering, concentration, control, precision, breathing, and flowing movement to establish a perfect working body from the inside out. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, Pilates can help you re-center, focus your energy, and concentrate on your wellness. Private and Group available.


Utilizing TRX suspension trainers, heart rate monitors, battle ropes, kettlebells, Free weights, Stability balls, BOSU, and much more, our Functional Fitness clients enjoy a full-body workout designed to improve mobility, strength, and agility for all ages and levels. Functional Training conditions your body to perform daily tasks such as pushing, pulling, rotating, lifting, stepping, sitting, walking, kneeling, crawling, jumping, and squatting. Want to have the mobility and strength to pick up a child? Want to perform any sport at your best? Functional training can do that for you. Private and Group available.


Yoga offers a powerful solution for every facet of your life – from physical wellness to emotional well-being, as well as guidance on living a fulfilling and meaningful life. In the body-mind-spirit practice of yoga, we are becoming more and more aware of how we move, how we position our bodies, how we breathe, where we are in our minds, how we feel throughout our being, and how we might move into a sense of stillness. Through the physical practice of asana we can improve flexibility, posture, and muscle strength as well as spinal and bone health. Yoga is also beneficial for reducing stress, improving sleep, and elevating our mood.

Start MELTing with us today!

MELT® is a revolutionary approach to pain-free living that helps you stay healthy, youthful, and active for a lifetime. It is a science-based self-treatment technique that rejuvenates the connective tissue system of your body.

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Pilates and Functional In Action

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